Three Threes Advent Calendar
December 24th

Well you’ve made it! After 24 days we’re finally here, Christmas Eve, one of the most magical nights of the year. Before we get to today’s tip we want to say how much fun we’ve had with this promotion and how honoured we feel to have so many loyal customers. It really means a great deal to us. With so many fantastic entries it was extremely difficult to choose our winner. Check back later today to see if you’re the lucky one!
Ok the last thing on the list is a simple one. Leave something out for Santa and his reindeer of course! Can’t forget the big guy!

Leave a snack for Santa
Do you think Santa would enjoy a jar of Three Threes Gherkins on his trip around the world? Ok so it’s not traditional but we think he’d enjoy a change up from the usual cookies and milk! What do you usually leave out for Santa? If you don’t have little kids in the house what’s your Christmas Eve routine? Do you watch the carols? Make egg nog? Open presents early? Tell us on Facebook!
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