Three Threes Advent Calendar
December 20th

We’re only 5 days out from Christmas and the excitment is definitely growing! You’ve got your tree up, presents bought & wrapped, cards done, menu planned, some of your food shopping done…what’s left we hear you ask? Well cleaning of course! Not as much fun but still important. We don’t want Santa tripping over your shoes!

Time to clean
It’s not the most enjoyable task to do but it sure is satisfying. So today we want you to get the house and yard looking great. If you have Christmas lunch at your place then even more motivation to make it look amazing! Once all those presents are unwrapped there’ll be mess everywhere, so starting with a clean slate will make you feel a lot less stressed. If you eat lunch outside then getting the outdoor areas ship shape will be more important. And don’t forget the Christmas cricket pitch in the backyard! So while we know it isn’t much fun, put some music on and lets get cleaning!
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