Three Threes Advent Calendar

December 12th


There’s only 13 days till Christmas and if your tree is looking a little bare, today is the day to fix that! Yes we know it’s Saturday and the shops will be crazy but it’s only going to get worse. So yes…we are recommending going shopping today for Christmas presents! For those of you participating in Secret Santas you’ve got at least one gift to buy. We were actually surprised yesterday to see how many people have never taken part in a Secret Santa! It’s not too late to start one yourself. If you’re at the shops and you see an actual Santa, grab a photo. It might come in handy over the next couple of days…hint hint!


Time to hit the shops!

Shopping for Christmas presents can be a daunting task! Who do you buy for? How much to spend? Is it ok to give cash or gift cards? Do you ask people what they want? Arghhhh so many questions! Heading out with a list is always a good place to start. Give some thought to what you want to buy before you head out so you can walk those shops with purpose! Avoid getting side tracked by sales & things that aren’t on your list. Let’s get this done…oh and have fun! Don’t let shopping stress get the better of you.

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