Three Threes Advent Calendar

December 10th


Well we’ve got a really easy one for you today. It’s simple….it’s turkey. We just want you to order your turkey so that another thing is ticked off the list. Maybe you don’t have turkey? What do you have instead or as well as? We’d love to know! Also thank you to everyone who entered yesterday’s Minor Prize draw. It was extremely heart warming reading all of your nominations. It wasn’t an easy choice as everyone was very deserving!


Order your turkey

We’d love to know what condiments and sides you enjoy with turkey. We obviously love our Three Threes Apple Sauce, Mint Jelly, Sweet Mustard Pickles and Relish on the table as they work perfectly with so many things! What do you have? And if you don’t have turkey what do you have instead? Is it prawns, chicken, ham…a bit of everything perhaps? Let us know!

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